Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is one of CMCA's five Strategic Planning Priorities:
All people in the CMCA service area have equitable opportunities to succeed:
- Members contribute to program planning and service delivery.
- Members have skills and opportunities to advocate for themselves and their communities.
- Minority-led and minority-focused community groups partner with CMCA.

Strategic Plan 2021-2024
How are we doing? Click the strategic priority area below to view our progress.
CMCA Through the Years
Initially offering one employment program intended to serve only Boone county, the regional need for a community action agency spurred its growth to become what it is today — an agency operating in eight counties to help those in poverty by providing an array of services and creating a network of support. Here is a brief look at how CMCA has evolved since its creation:
Lyndon Johnson signed the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 into law. This act consisted of social programs to promote the health, education, and general welfare of the poor. It was the signing of this act which enabled the formation of what was to become CMCA, the agency that today impacts thousands of lives in mid-Missouri.
The Human Development Corporation (HDC) was incorporated. While initially serving only Boone County, within the first year HDC became Central Missouri Counties Human Development Corporation (CMCHDC) and began serving a 9 county area.
CMCA’s budget reached just over $1 Million.
CMHDC had its first four funded programs, and established itself as a leader in helping people rise up out of poverty.
CMHDC’s budget reached $9.4 million.
To make it easier to identify that CMCA is a community action agency, the name was changed from CMCHDC to CMCA.
CMCA’s services continued to grow in size and scope reaching a budget of just over $16 million.
CMCA offers diverse services including Weatherization, help with starting businesses through the Women’s Business Center, Section 8 Assistance, Low income home energy assistance program (LIHEAP), Head Start, Early Head Start, Employment and Training, Foster Grandparents, Housing Development activities, and Family Support.