Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)
Effective February 1, 2025, the HCV waiting list is closed. The Mid-Missouri Public Housing Agency has reached the maximum available for housing assistance in the area we serve. This includes the counties of Callaway, Cole, Cooper, Howard, Moniteau, and Osage. We cannot issue additional vouchers at this time. This hold is in effect until further notice. When the waiting list reopens, we will provide another notice. Thank you for your understanding.
The Housing Choice Voucher Program helps to pay a subsidy amount towards the rent for low-income persons, so they can live in a house, condo, duplex, townhome, apartment, or mobile home of their choice.
To qualify for this program, rental units must meet the standards of health and safety, as determined by the Mid-Missouri Public Housing Agency (MMPHA).
How Does It Work?
The housing subsidy is paid directly to the landlord by MMPHA on behalf of the participating family. The family then pays the difference between the actual rent charged by the landlord and the amount subsidized by the program.

*This program does not provide for emergency housing situations or needs.
To print a pre-application for the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Program, CLICK HERE.
For information on Section 8 in Boone County, visit ColumbiaHA.com.
For information on Section 8 in Audrain County, visit MexicoHA.com.
Notice of Public Hearing
Frequently Asked Questions
Columbia Housing Authority. The office is located at 201 Switzler St.
The amount of time spent on the waitlist varies between 9 months to 2 years.
Our Housing Choice Voucher inspections are based on Housing Quality Standards. The inspections that are done are based on these regulations.
No. The Section 8 waitlist moves by the time that the completed application is received.
Once it is determined that the applicant qualifies for Section 8 assistance, a voucher is issued for 60 days. A unit must be found and inspected within this time period.
Yes. HUD sets fair market rent according to the county and bedroom size. Section 8 cannot pay more than the maximum limit and can only pay the limit if the rent is reasonable according to the quality of the unit and the area that the unit is located.
All Section 8 leases are for an initial term of one year.
Yes. You may move your assistance within the MMPHA service area. Section 8 housing choice vouchers can be portable within the United States. Housing choice vouchers become portable if you can provide proof that you lived in the service area when you applied and after a full year’s participation in the program.
Yes. The income guidelines for Section 8 are such that it is possible to be working and still qualify for Section 8.
Recertification is performed once a tenant has participated in the Section 8 program for a year. If income changes before the end of the year, tenants are required to contact the MMPHA staff so interim recertification can be done to determine if there is a change in the amount of rent the tenant might pay.
The tenant’s share of rent is set according to their income, and in most cases, they will never pay more than 40% of their monthly income toward rent.