
Boone County

Family Resource Center

Bear Creek Head Start

Temporarily Closed: 573-443-0918

Centralia Head Start

Connie Waack: 573-682-2586

Park Avenue Head Start

Kalia White: 573-449-1575

Women's Business Center

Jayme Prenger:  573-818-2980

Worley Head Start

Johnna Dopplick: 573-443-1955

Columbia Oaks Apartments

609 N. Columbia St. 

Centralia, MO 65240

Phone: 573 682-1372


Boone County

CMCA participates in several local initiatives  including Live Well Boone County, Project Homeless Connect, Functional Zero Task Force, the Early Childhood Network, and the  LWBC Tenant’s Group.  

USDA Loan Packaging

CMCA provides packing services for the USDA 502 Direct Home Loan Program. This program is available to individuals with low, or very low income to purchase homes in rural areas. Funds can be used to build, repair or to renovate a home, or to purchase and prepare sites, including providing water and sewage facilities.

These loans are low interest and include no down payment

Want to learn more? Check out these Frequently Asked Questions!  Or email: housingloans@cmca.us.

Providing Resource Assistance to the ROC

The Re-Entry Opportunity Center (The ROC) is a research and evidence-based program designed to reduce recidivism rates for recently released individuals from the MO Dept. of Corrections. The ROC provides basic needs, life skills training, case management, and one-on-one and group counseling. More than400 newly released individuals rely on the ROC for support. CMCA provides a weekly presence at the ROC to help those individuals find resources in the community to help them succeed.

CMCA collaborated with Bike to the Future to address the issue of transportation for individuals. People released from the Dept. of Corrections typically do not have a driver’s license and may never be able to get one, so bicycle ownership is a positive alternative to the dilemma, and access to transportation can reduce recidivism by providing individuals viable transportation to get to and from work and other necessary locations.