CMCA’s Weatherization Assistance Program aids in creating a healthy dwelling for eligible applicants by conserving energy.
Beginning June 1, 2021 the Weatherization team will be available 7:30 am-4 pm.
It was the middle of winter when a CMCA Weatherization auditor visited Carla’s mobile home to do an initial audit of the property. The heating and cooling system wasn’t working well so Carla and her family were using space heaters and the family’s kitchen stove for warmth. As the Auditor spoke with Carla he heard the anxiety in her voice related to the situation.
His first step in auditing the home was to crawl under the mobile home where he found the trunk line completely disconnected.
“The air infiltration was also very high,” said the auditor. “When I did the initial blower door test, the linoleum floor in the kitchen raised off the ground like a balloon!”
After completing the audit, a list of items that needed attention was made, including work on the Heating, Ventilations, and Cooling (HVAC) system.
“We were able to install a new heat pump for Carla, and reconnect the trunk line while installing additional floor insulation,” said the auditor.
After the work was complete the auditor called Carla to schedule a follow-up inspection. Carla said she and her family were thrilled with the improvements made to their mobile home.
“I love you!” Carla said, “because you helped us so much! Thank you for making our home a better place to live!”
To support happier, healthier homes for families like Carla’s please click the DONATE button above!
We help you save $$$ by conserving energy! This allows you to use those savings for more pressing family needs. In addition, our Weatherization Assistance Program provides a safer, healthier living environment for your family and even helps the whole community by reducing energy demands one house at a time – and that adds up.
CMCA’s Weatherization Assistance Program has been around since 1975. The program is available to all eligible residents in Audrain, Boone, Callaway, Cole, Cooper, Howard, Moniteau and Osage counties.
Eligibility is based on total household income and family size (see the chart) which cannot exceed the 200% federal poverty income guidelines. If you own or rent, live in a single-family home, multi-family housing complex (up to four units), or mobile home, you can apply for weatherization assistance. However, if you rent, we must obtain written permission from your landlord before weatherization services can be performed on their property.
**NOTE: To determine eligibility when a household has more than eight members, add an additional $10,760 for each member.
The chart shows 200% of the Federal Poverty Limits.
To apply for weatherization services, download our application by clicking on the link below. Attach the Required Documents listed below and drop-off, mail-in, or email them to us.
Weatherization Department CMCA
800 North Providence, Suite 104
Columbia, MO 65203
Phone: 573-443-3500
The program consists of five basic steps:
This program implements the weatherization work for our eight-county region that is administered by the Department of Natural Resources Weatherization Assistance Program.
Weatherization reduces your energy use for years to come. Some weatherization improvements, such as insulating your walls or attic, will keep saving you money for the life of the house — 30 years or more. Other improvements, such as making your heating equipment more efficient, will provide savings for 10 to 20 years. But what about the health and safety improvements? These benefits just keep on giving, over and over again.
The Central Missouri Community Action Weatherization Program makes annual contracts with contractors for weatherization and HVAC improvements to residents. In addition, we take HVAC bids for system replacements as the needs arise. We work in the counties of Audrain, Boone, Callaway, Cole, Cooper, Howard, Moniteau and Osage.
Our annual bids are taken in June of each year. HVAC system replacement bids are taken throughout the year. Interested contractors are required to attend a pre-bid conference in June. You may download the Checklist For Contractors here to see the minimum requirements. Please contact Dave Gregory at 573-443-8706 ext. 1409 for further information.
Contractors interested in being a part of the annual contracts should contact Molly Carmichael at in May to request an RFQ due in June.
Weatherization funds are provided by the Department of Energy, Department of Social Services, and Ameren UE and are administered by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
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