
Community Assessment

CMCA conducts a triennial Community Needs Assessment to guide our work and to ensure we are providing services that align with the needs of our community. During 2022-2023, CMCA analyzed both qualitative and quantitative data related to income, employment, education, housing, health and nutrition, and selected social characteristics in each of the counties we serve.

We partnered with over fifty organizations to develop and distribute the Show Me Strong Communities Survey in Audrain, Callaway, Cole, Cooper, Howard, Moniteau & Osage Counties. Results of the survey were shared alongside reliable, publicly available data through data walks held in each county.  During the data walks, participants reviewed data relating to health, education, employment, income, housing, and selected social characteristics.  CMCA facilitated discussions about the data, leading to the identification and prioritization of needs within each county.  Electronic versions of the data walk posters can be found below.  Next steps involve a series of community meetings in order to develop and implement Community Action Plans that will address the prioritized needs within each county.

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